Very nice
Firstly, this is to Killa492:
PLEASE, I implore you to look up the definition of plot. This animation does not have a plot (not that it needs one).
Now, I will not waste my time complementing your art work (I'm sure you have enough of that sort of thing). This is your own view of heaven so it is hard to give advice that would not conflict with your ideas...
1) Maybe to illustrate how great your heaven is you should try to contrast it with the reverse.
2) Because everything was so bright and beautiful, the moment at the end when the 2 people meet seemed insignificant.
3) While everything was nicely drawn, it didn't seem very surreal. This is probably because of the music. Even though the music was pleasant, it was out-of-place. The music lacked soul, it was unmoving, had no heart put into it, and overall pathetic when compared to the rest of the animation.
This is to the next poster:
Please don't waste your time by merely stating "Wow, this was amazing" or "This sucked ass". For once, post something useful (at least say why you liked this).